Friday, October 15, 2010

Skateboarding update

Well, I started skating about 3 years ago and skated for about 10 months in total. I then moved away from all my friends who skated and had no where to skate. For 2 years I didn't skate! It was horrible, I love skateboarding. Its the second thing that I enjoy the most (the first being photography which I will get to blogging about some day). Any ways, I'm going to start posting when I'm learning new tricks and if I land any. So far I can pretty much only do shove-its. Frontside-backside nollie you name it I can shove-it. Now today I landed a Fakie Big-Spin which was pretty awesome. But I'm working on some harder tricks like nollie F/S bigspins, and trying to get tricks I can land some times down better. Like varials, kickflips, BS flips and casper. So if you know any thing about skateboarding you probably know what I have been talking about. If not check out this link that will explain all of the tricks I just mentioned and more. Click Here

ALSO, I'm going to start taking suggestions for tricks. Name a trick and I will do my best to land it in 5 minutes. If I land it before the 5 minutes is up I will move on to the next trick. At the very least you will get to see me try your trick on film for 5 minutes straight. And probably laugh at how bad I am. Please email me at OR leave a comment below.


  1. i love skateboarding too. got into it about two years ago.

  2. Tried skateboarding, broke it the first day. Never tried it since then lol

  3. i'm not too good at skateboarding tricks, but i love riding my longboard and going fast

  4. not too good at skatboarding, but its fun!

  5. i messed up my ankles skateboard... i miss it

  6. Skateboarding is a good way to lose all your teeth. Better have good insurance.
